During the month of April, we renewed the certification for ISO 9001:2015 with the CQY entity (CISQ accredited). The certification ISO guaranties the internationally recognized standard for the creation, implementation and management of a Quality Management System for any company. The process was followed by our quality manager, Denis Saggiorato.
The auditing process requires several key moments: preparation, implementation, improvement actions and evaluation of the results (re-audit). The main moment is the inspection visit that occurred during the first week of April. All of the offices of our company were audited on the internal procedures by an external auditor, also known as an inspector.
All of the entities subjected to the audit, starting from the technical department, the quality department, the logistics department reaching the sales department, production, management and administration, proved to be able to pass the audit procedures and obtain certification.
The whole process for the preparation, organization and execution was supervised by Denis, who has worked for Graziadio for more than 30 years; his contribution to safety and quality supervision in the company is remarkable.
Denis explains that the certification obtained replaces the previous one, which we first achieved in 2003 and renewed whenever necessary. This time the audit was conducted by CQY, which also encompasses Globe, the entity that conducted the audits in previous years.
Since Denis’ job is to check all of the procedures and their quality, check the correctness of the forms used and the standards in place, he first supervised the internal procedures, determining that they reflect the necessary standards. Then he organized the process for the audit, which he followed in detail, with a successful outcome.
This is the kind of work that is required of the quality manager: perseverance and attention to detail every day in order to improve over time.
Graziadio. Yes, We Busbar