On 3 June 2024 we celebrated a new record here in Graziadio: exactly 2000 days in which ZERO workplace incidents were recorded in our company.


It is a goal that fills us with pride and satisfaction, achieved also and above all thanks to our workers who apply the safety regulations every day with commitment, discipline and attention.

But, as we know, the safety factor does not derive solely from the individual: for us it is important to know that each of our team, every morning, 365 days a year, leaves their home and goes to our company with the awareness of be in a safe place and be able to carry out their duties in complete tranquility.

Feeling safe must be the right of every worker, whatever task he carries out, in any workplace, in the office or in the workshop, whether he is a manager or a worker, and we ensure that this happens at every single moment and remains a constant commitment .

Furthermore, to celebrate this new success, we have decided to donate the same sum in euros to a Foundation dedicated to personal care and health, with a view to generating more opportunities for everyone and contributing to the creation of an increasingly peaceful future.

A huge thank you to our entire team!

Graziadio. Yes, We Busbar