
New record: 2000 days without incidents at work!

On 3 June 2024 we celebrated a new record here in Graziadio: exactly 2000 days in which ZERO workplace incidents were recorded in our company. It is a goal that fills us with pride and satisfaction, achieved also and above all thanks to our workers who apply the safety regulations every day with commitment, discipline

Segreen Business Park, Milan: the work-life balance

  Segreen Business Park, Milan - In recent years we have witnessed a progressive increase in awareness of how important it is to reconcile private life and work, creating a healthy balance between the two things, and more and more often we hear about the so-called "work-life balance" . Following the growing demand and need

University of Strasbourg: Graziadio at the service of culture

University of Strasbourg: a bit of history… Did you know that the University of Strasbourg is the second largest university in France, after that of Aix-Marseille in Provence? It boasts a long history, which begins in the 16th century… It was born thanks to Johannes Sturm, a Protestant schoolboy: it was the time of Humanism,

New Iren headquarters in Genoa: Graziadio joins the project

  New Iren headquarters in Genoa – Work is underway for the construction of the new Iren factory in the city of Genoa, in Piazza Raggi. This is the structure that will replace the former Poste Italiane building, behind the Genoa Brignole railway and underground station. The works began in 2018 and the construction site

Fabbriche Aperte 2023 in Piedmont: a glimpse into our world

On Friday 27th October 2023 the great Fabbriche Aperte Piemonte regional event took place, an occasion in which factories open their doors to visitors, to show them the "behind the scenes" of their production. This year, Graziadio joined this initiative for the first time... and the result was very positive! Several interested guests came to visit us,

Elek Ener 2023: our busbars fly to Tunisi!

Electricity and renewable energy: the Elek Ener Exhibition 2023 recently ended in Le Kram, Tunisia, an international event based entirely on energy in all its aspects and which focuses on technologies, innovative solutions and market opportunities in the energy sector. And when it comes to energy and innovation, we can't miss it! In fact, our

Meetings online

As a result of the worldwide lockdown, we continue to organize online meetings, about our busducts, on the Zoom platform with all our customers and our distributors. On request, we can organize technical or commercial virtual meetings explaining in detail our complete range of busbars. Graziadio. Yes, we busbar.

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